5 quick tips to combat daily negative self talk

Consider this: of everything, what would you say the single most important thing you do is? Think…think…think…

Times Up…

Chances are that you may have said something to do with sleeping properly or taking care of your physical health, all the things that we get reminders of all the time. . Believe it or not, there’s something just as critical, and it has to do with your self-talk.

Maintaining a positive inner dialogue, also known as positive self-talk is the one thing which is going to motivate everything else you do. It’s when you’re positive that you put in the effort to take care of yourself. When you encourage yourself, those tremendous big goals (not to mention all the small ones) become possible. Think of positive self-talk as the gas, which makes the car move.

If you are a lifepath 1 or lots of 1 energy in your number chart, 3 as a challenge number, or if you have Lilith in Leo, Vergo rising, badly aspected Aries placements and so on, low self-esteem may be an issue. Since we all have inner conversations anyway, we can go ahead and make them positive. Try following these five tips.

5 Quick tips to stay positive

1. Know Your Triggers

Certain people, places, and situations are going to raise up an instant series of negative self-talk messages. Knowing what those are in advance helps you to defuse the situation before it gets out of hand. Ask yourself what you can do to avoid those triggers? What statements can you use to combat the messages which always come up when you’re triggered? To go deeper, why do those things trigger you, and how can you disconnect from it. If you have a Cancer Moon, how do you ease those old messages/triggers from your family/Mother?

2, Do an Inventory

Periodically check your inner dialogue. Is it getting negative? Pay attention to the signs telling you things are going downhill. Being mindful helps you to insert positive dialogue cues as needed to keep things on an even keel. Once you feel the downslope, you can turn it around by contradicting bad messages with good ones. Never try to succeed at listening to messages that tell you that you are a failure.

3. Laugh

It’s impossible to stay negative when laughing. Looking for the humor in situations helps you to stay positive. Pop in a movie, hang with some friends, or just make funny faces in the mirror, what ever tickles your giggle bone.

4. Hang with the Right Crowd

Hang with the right crowd, not the in crowd, not the cool crowd, but the right crowd. It’s easy to have your mood affected by those around you. By sticking around positive people, you’ll find upbeat energy tends to rub off. Be honest with yourself, if you know you are the type of person that picks up energy from others easy, then make sure you take care of your energetic space. Good vibes rub off, but so do negative ones.

5. Find Inspiration

Creating positive affirmations and daily repeating them starts the process of integrating specific thoughts into your dialogue. Keep these affirmations where you can see them. Leave notes to yourself inviting you to read those words again and again until they become part of who you are. Yes, I know that many people make fun of affrimations, but as stated earlier, we talk to ourselves anyway, so why not make it positive. You do not need to say things like “I am light I am love”. Come up with things that have to do with you directly.

Daily positive self-talk

Engaging in daily positive self-talk is the one habit you want to spend time creating. There is no substitute for this kind of dialogue, which means you’re going to need to put in the effort until these actions become automatic. When you reach that point, you’re going to see some real positive change.

If you are trying to build your self-esteem, it needs to be intentional. Affirmations and ducking triggers are just the beginning of your potencial growth. When you pick up the Core Confidence Manual, you will get deep actionable questions to take you deeper and boost you higher. Feel better about yourself, stop waisting time with self-doubt, and tap into your superpower!

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Author: Core Confidence Life

Core Confidence Life is an astrological, numerological, and self discovery service. We provide in depth readings, classes, and special member only benefits. Our goal is to guide and assist you into stepping in and owning your personal power so you can direct your destaney and become what the creator made you to be.

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