How to stop being a nice guy, and start being a confident genuine person

On this interview we talk to Brett Bird. He is an author and former “nice guy”. His book, “Become Whole” takes us from being passive people pleasers who avoid conflict and struggle with low confidence to a man who is strong, genuine and assertive.

Many men are “nice guys”, the one who does not speak up, says yes when he really means no, and hides his true self from others, and himself.

Brett’s book gives detailed tips, exercises and gidence to help you pull out of neutrality and put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life. If you need a confidence boost, but wonder how to get there, this one is for you.

Guest: Author, Brett Bird

For many years, I’ve bought into falsehoods and distortions that limited my personal potential. After realizing and undoing the actions and thought patterns that held me back for so long, I’ve seen others get stuck in the same struggles as I did. I am here to teach you how to overcome your barriers in many areas of life that keep you from your full potential! You’ll find advice that, if acted upon, can result in accelerated progress in your personal development, so you can have the quality of life you deserve!

Episode Sponsor

Life Books for Kids by Kenya Nicholas is a fun and spiritual book series created to help kids understand how to tap into their higher power to navigate through life. Basic life morals are discussed through age-appropriate humor, captivating illustrations, and real-life stories.

The goal of the series is to help families foster parent/child relationships through prayer and a sneak introduction to journaling.

To find out more, visit WWW.LifeBooksForKids.NET

The nice guy is nice to everybody but himself

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Author: Core Confidence Life

Core Confidence Life is an astrological, numerological, and self discovery service. We provide in depth readings, classes, and special member only benefits. Our goal is to guide and assist you into stepping in and owning your personal power so you can direct your destaney and become what the creator made you to be.

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