Are you weird? Well…I have been called weird in my day, but what is that all about? In our everyday, stigma ruled culture, weird is meant as a kind of a slurr at times. “You oddball”, “you strange fuck”, “You are not one of us”. When the in-crowd/cool kids sees something that they are not use to, its weird.
Growing up, most kids do not want to be called weird. If you were seen as weird, you did not have many friends, and the kids who did talk to you were kind of tainted by asociation. “There’s that weird kid over there”! I use to get called weird for liking astrology, listening to rock music, the way I used words, and so on. Of course, none of that means anything bad.
What does “weird” really mean?
When this word is used, you would think its a screwed up thing to be weird. Acording to The Merriam Webster dictionary, weird means:
- of strange or extraordinary character
- of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural
As you can see, weird can have a super natural or spiritual feel to it as well as being an extraordinary personality. The breakdown doesn’t stop there.
Weird also has older meanings that are more specific. Weird comes from the Old English noun “wyrd”, meaning “fate.” By the 700’s AD, the plural “wyrde” had begun to appear in texts as a gloss for Parcae, the Latin name for the Fates—three goddesses who spun, measured, and cut the thread of life.
To make a long story short, the term “weird” meant deciding one’s own fate. If a person was weird, that meant they went their own way, did things that others did not do or even never heard of. When people see things they never heard of or do not understand, the reflex for many is to dismiss it or condemn it.
Many people do not understand what is called “super natural” activity outside a religian, and the idea of it scares some. When you are tapped into your spirit energy or able to manifest things in a quick or big way, you may be seen as weird.
Some astrological indications of weirdness
The liberating power of weirdness can be seen in your astro/number chart as well. The most obvious areas to look for weirdness is with your Sun, Mars, and Ascendant. While we all can be seen as weird depending on who is looking, some signs can show up as weird more often.
- If your Sun, Mars, or Ascendant is in Aquarious, you are looked at as weird due to your independant nature and the advanced or eccentric ways you have.
- In Gemini, you are weird due to your openminded nature and your willingness to try anything and the unique way of thinking.
- In Scorpio you can be seen as weird due to the complex ways you see and react to things, and the misterious aura you carry.
You may also be seen as weird or different if you are a Life Path 4, due to the combo of discipline and advanced or mature thinking you have.
This is not a surprise. Uranus, the planet of reform and unusual things rules Aquarious and LP4 and is exalted in Scorpio. As for Gemini, well…their just weird!
Charting your own future
Being weird means that you do not just go along with the crowd. You don’t even think about whether you are flowing with the crowd, you just do what you do. This emancipated approach to things can be off putting to many others. Some will ignore you, some will laugh at you, and some may even hate you.
In my younger years, I definitely did not like being looked at as weird, not yet knowing that I actually was. I was horrible at trying to be “not weird”. As said above, weirdness does not think about whether it comes off as weird, it just is. Once I got older and learned how to detach myself away from word stigmas, the idea of being weird was not a big deal.
If you still feel the sting of being called or looked at as “weird”, take pride in the emancipated mindset. If you have kids that are being looked at as “weird”, help them understand that people misuse words, and their weirdness is what make them the cool kid they are.
Walking in your truth
If you know that you should be more assertive, but you feel a block, lets talk about it. If you are ready to walk confidently in your weirdness, its time you do so! If you are tired of bending for others but not getting the same in return, lets talk about ways that you can take a different direction in your relationships.