Human Design Quiz 1 By Core Confidence Life – Posted on July 12, 2022 Human Design Quiz 1 This is a quiz to test your knowledge in Human Design. These 10 questions will review the basics of the HD chart. 1. How many centers are in human design? 3 6 9 12 2. Which one of these is not a center in human design? Sacral Spleen Heart Inner Vision 3. On the body graph, What does a colored center mean? Undefined Defined Motor Pressure 4. In the profile 3/5, what is the second number? The unconscious line The Conscious line A projector Lunar Authority 5. What is a channel? A connection between two gates A hanging gate A motor to the throat An open center 6. If somebody has emotional authority, which center is defined to create that? Spleen Head Root Solar Plexis 7. There are two types of generators, pure generators and.... Projectors Manifesting Generators Manifestors Reflectors 8. How many gates are in human design? 36 12 64 72 9. How many gates are in your incarnation cross? 1 2 3 4 10. What feature do only manifesting types have? An open spleen A motor to the throat A 4/6 Profile Left angle cross (Visited 134 times, 1 visits today)