What is a Retrograde planet, and what does it do

Imagine riding in a speeding train, and passing a slower train. Both trains are moving straight ahead, but as the trains are passing, the slower train appears to be moving backwards, at least from the point of view of the riders on the fast train.

This same effect occurs with the planets. As the Earth passes (or is passed by) other planets in the solar system, for a while, they appear to slow in their path across the Zodiac. Then they stop altogether, and backtrack against their paths for a short while, and stop again. Finally, they get back up to speed again, and return to where they started.

The entire period—from the point where the planet started to slow down, through the backwards motion, until the planet “catches up” to itself and passes the point where it started from—is called Retrograde. It’s a fairly common and straightforward event in astronomy, but it takes on a whole new meaning in astrology.

Retrograde periods are traditionally regarded as times when humans have little control. This is when things that are fated to happen actually happen.

Mercury, for example, turns retrograde three times a year. Mercury rules information—conversation, communication, thinking and education. When Mercury is in retrograde, these things will have “glitches” thrown in—disrupted communications, collapsed negotiations, and general misunderstandings, usually because some vital piece of information has been lost. If you have Mercury retrograde in your natal chart, you may actually be better able to speak up.

Natal Mercury retrograde will cause you to think before you communicate, and others may think you are disorganized, but like the retrograde itself, you are moving different, so others see it through that filter. Due to this, Mercury going retro will cause you to be in sync with the energy that throws others off. As another example, Venus turns retrograde every eighteen months. During this period, emotions—which Venus rules—become muted.

Out of step

Retrogrades in the birth chart signify a person who needs to deviate from the norm from time to time. Most people have two or three planets retrograde in their chart. With Mercury, Venus, or Mars retrograde, there may be a focus on the inner life, or a person may have a tendency to perceive things very subjectively regarding the affairs of that planet.

With Jupiter and Saturn retrograde, a person may feel out of step with the dominant culture or an intense desire to effect change in society. The outer planets retrograde may signify generational or cross-cultural forces in one’s life which cause them to feel somewhat out of touch with current trends.

More than three planets retrograde is relatively rare and signifies a person who may be largely out of step with the world around them—and strongly devoted to finding their own unique path in life. In fact, if you have lots of retrogrades, you will have to be able to develop a stronger sense of independence. Since your rhythm is out of sync with other people, you will find that when life is going good for you, the people around you are having a tough time, but when you are feeling down, others are up. So, if you have 3 or more retros, and you feel just a little different, this could be the reason.

Frequency of retrograde planets

  • Mercury Retrograde: Frequency: Three times a year: Length: Three weeks
  • Venus Retrograde: Frequency: Every 18 months: Length: Six weeks
  • Mars Retrograde: Frequency: Every 26 months: Length: 55 to 80 days
  • Jupiter Retrograde: Frequency: Once a year: Length: 120 days
  • Saturn Retrograde: Frequency: Once a year: Length: 140 days
  • Uranus Retrograde: Frequency: Once a year: Length: 148 days
  • Neptune Retrograde: Frequency: Once a year: Length: 150 days
  • Pluto Retrograde: Frequency: Once a year: Length: Five to six months

If you want to further unpack your retrograde planets, or get a detailed breakdown of your chart, you can book a reading with me.

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Author: Core Confidence Life

Core Confidence Life is an astrological, numerological, and self discovery service. We provide in depth readings, classes, and special member only benefits. Our goal is to guide and assist you into stepping in and owning your personal power so you can direct your destaney and become what the creator made you to be.

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