Squares in Astrology

What is a Square?

A square in astrology occurs when two planets are 90 degrees apart on the zodiac wheel. This aspect typically places the planets in signs that share the same modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable) but are in different and often incompatible elements. As a result, the square creates friction and tension, making it one of the most challenging aspects in astrology.

Unlike the flowing energy of trines or the more subtle dissonance of a quincunx, a square represents intense internal or external pressure that forces action. The energy between the planets is highly charged, and the individual must work hard to resolve the conflict or tension that arises. Squares demand change, decisions, and often lead to significant growth through adversity.

In this PDF you will get a deep dive into squares, how they work, and how to deal with the challenges that comes with it. You will also learn about the Semi-Square, an aspect that is little talked about but very important. You will see how squares work in romance and business as well.

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