Classroom Replay, Astrology, Chaldean sign rularships

In this class, we are looking at the traditional rulerships of the 12 astrological signs. Each sign is broken up into 3 parts called decans. Each part has a planetary ruler to go along with the primary sign ruler. In another class presentation we reviewed the modern decan rulerships, but in this lesson, we look at the Chaldean co-rulers of the decans. The Chaldean system predates the popular system used today.

The Chaldean System

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Author: Core Confidence Life

Core Confidence Life is an astrological, numerological, and self discovery service. We provide in depth readings, classes, and special member only benefits. Our goal is to guide and assist you into stepping in and owning your personal power so you can direct your destaney and become what the creator made you to be.

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