Using the 3 6 9 energy: January 2025 Book Of The Month

January 2025 Book of the month

Powerful 369 Method: Unlock the Secrets of Manifestation and Achieve Your Dreams with Numerology and the Law of Attraction by LET ZIA.

In Numerology, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are a very powerful set of numbers. This 3, 6, 9 cerket was talked about by Nikola Tesla. He envisioned the potential of electricity, the power of AC, far before his contemporaries. His foresight went into the field of numbers as well. Using the 3, 6, 9 code along with the Law Of Attraction can be powerful. This month, we are helpping you kick this new journey off right by focusing your spiritual and manifesting energies into attracting what you want. Pick up this month’s book to activate your power.

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Author: Core Confidence Life

Core Confidence Life is an astrological, numerological, and self discovery service. We provide in depth readings, classes, and special member only benefits. Our goal is to guide and assist you into stepping in and owning your personal power so you can direct your destaney and become what the creator made you to be.

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