How to understand your life in 9 year cycles

In numerology, everything is in cycles of nine. We all have our nine-year cycles that play a roll in our development as humans on this earth. These nine-year cycles are called Epicycles. Even though the average human life is about 9 epicycles, many live into their 13th epicycle.

When you look at each epicycle, you will get a sense of what the average person’s default concerns are. You can read the number of the epicycle, while considering the first digit in a person’s age.

Example. Somebody who is 20 years old is in their third epicycle, which shows freedom of expression, a chance to make friends as an adult and so on, The “2” as their first digit shows the stage of weighing pros and cons of particular life directions and so on.

Epicycle system

Age 0-9: 1st Epicycle. The me stage. The 0 as the first digit shows that a child has just come from source and may still hold memories.

Age 9-18. Second epicycle. Understanding others in relation to self. The “1” that dominates 8 of these years shows the willfulness of teenagerhood.

Age 18-27: Third epicycle. Self-expression. The “2” that runs 7 years of this cycle shows the growing drive for relationships, and the emotions are still changeable.

Age 27-36: Fourth epicycle. This is the cycle that we change life pinnacles, get our Saturn return, and start giving more thought to where we are going. Work, responsibility. Sometimes the “3” that runs 6 of these years may yearn a level of action that can clash with the 4th epicycle energy.

Age 36-45. Fifth epicycle. Cycle of change. This is the cycle of the “midlife crisis”. Work and family can clash with internal changes in the self.

Age 45-54: Sixth epicycle. Family and work are in full swing. People will switch to their last life pinnacle and continuing to create stability for the future.

Age 54-63. Seventh epicycle: Deeper understanding. You are committed to who you are, you either have deep faith or no faith, both of which may stick to you for life. You share knowledge, gain or take time for yourself. You switch into your third life cycle.

Age 63-72: Eighth epicycle: You have earned status, wisdom, and experience. You may get a second wind when it comes to work, or find other activities to do.

Age 72-81: Nineth epicycle. You feel like you can be your true self, you have left all those conflicts behind. You are the product of how you lived your life, whether you let go of hurt or not.

Age 81-90: Tenth epicycle. You may want to stay active, have a wise broad look at life, speak with wisdom and awareness.

Age 90-99: Eleventh epicycle. You are master of self and your mind is not concerned with anything but illumination.

Age 99-108: Twelfth epicycle. You have a great sense of humor, you may want to hold on to independence no matter what.

Letter Cycles

While we all have these epicycles, each one will have a special flavor based on our first name. This first name transit, called a letter aura, is just one of the transits that we are in at any given time.

For the first name epicycle transit, start from the first letter of your first name, then count each epicycle and label it with the letters in your name.

Epicycles for Dennis.

Age 0-9: First epicycle, Cycle D
Age 9-18: Second epicycle, Cycle E
Age 18-27: Third epicycle, Cycle N
Age 27-36: Fourth epicycle, Cycle N
Age 36-45: Fifth epicycle, Cycle I
Age 45-54: Sixth epicycle, Cycle S

When the name is done, you start from the beginning.
54-63: Seventh epicycle, Cycle D
The first name letters just give a broad overtone of that epicycle in your life. There is more to consider…

In the above example for Dennis, his first nine years had the letter aura of D, work, intelligence, a little hardheaded, maybe some health challenges. His teen years had the “E” aura, engaging in the 5 senses, meeting lots of people, multi-talented but could have too many interests. Then, he has two cycles of “N”. This just continues the 5 energy adding more in the way of writing and communication and travel. The 27 streight years with 5 energy brings many love affairs.

The “I” that hit is fifth epicycle brought in a big shift into more spirituality and emotionality, and raised anxiety. The life went more into a humanitarian minded feel.

The epicycle stages, and the letter aura, keeping in context the age you are looking at, you can get a feel for somebody’s life story. Other energies and transits are stronger than the letter aura, but this is good for a bird’s eye view.

If you want to learn more about Numerology and your personal chart and transits, book a reading and we can look at your weather forecast.

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Author: Core Confidence Lifestyle

Core Confidence Lifestyle is an astrological, numerological, and self discovery service. We provide in depth readings, classes, and special member only benefits. Our goal is to guide and assist you into stepping in and owning your personal power so you can direct your destaney and become what the creator made you to be.

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